
Strike Energy Limited is committed to conducting its activities with the health and safety of its employees, contractors and third parties as a fundamental consideration. Strike believes that all injuries and industry related diseases are preventable and therefore strives to continuously improve its health and safety performance.

Health & Safety

To meet health & safety commitments, Strike and its contractors shall:

Manage health and safety matters as a critical business activity

Delay or stop activities where effective mitigation controls are not in place to manage identified hazards

Apply a systematic approach to all activities that shall demonstrate continual improvement in health and safety performances

Assess the health and safety hazards associated with all activities and employ mitigation measures to reduce those hazards

Include health and safety performance in the appraisal of staff and reward accordingly

Require contractors to manage health and safety in line with this policy

Set targets and regularly monitor, audit and report performance against those targets

Apply and demonstrate compliance with applicable occupational health and safety laws and regulations

The implementation and effectiveness of this health and safety policy is the responsibility of all Strike employees.

The Chief Executive Officer of Strike Energy Limited is accountable to the Board of Directors for ensuring this health and safety policy is implemented. This policy shall be reviewed at least every two years or immediately after the occurrence of any reportable incident.

Environmental Policy

Strike Energy Limited is committed to conducting all its activities in a responsible manner and consistent with the principles of Sustainable Development.

Activities shall be planned and implemented in such a way as to ensure impacts to the environment are either avoided or kept to an acceptable level. The environment includes air, water, land, natural resources, flora and fauna, as well as human beings and their cultural heritage.

To meet these commitments, Strike and its contractors shall strive to:

Manage environmental matters as a critical business activity

Adopt best practice management strategies and implement continual improvement programs

Comply with applicable laws and regulations

Delay or stop activities where effective environmental mitigation controls are not in place to manage identified hazards

Apply a systematic approach to reduce impacts to the biological, physical and social environments and ensure continuous improvement in environmental performance

Where possible to reduce energy use, emissions, waste and discharges

Require contractors to manage the environment in line with this policy

Communicate openly with our employees, contractors, Government and the wider community regarding environmental matters

Set targets and regularly monitor, audit and report performance against those targets

Where appropriate provide support to environmental research, education and training to promote an awareness ethic within Strike, its contractors and the wider community

The implementation and effectiveness of this environmental policy is the responsibility of all Strike employees.

The Chief Executive Officer of Strike Energy Limited is accountable to the Board of Directors for ensuring this environmental policy is implemented. This policy shall be reviewed at least every two years or immediately after the occurrence of any reportable incident.


Strike Energy recognises its activities may take place on areas currently or previously occupied by indigenous people and is committed to positive relations with the Indigenous community.

 To meet these commitments Strike shall:

Manage Indigenous relations as a critical business activity

Respect Indigenous traditions, culture, integrity of country and cultural sites

Work towards understanding Indigenous perspectives

Consult with relevant parties prior to undertaking work on lands claimed by Indigenous people

Ensure its employees and contractors are aware of their obligations in regard to the reporting and protection of Indigenous cultural heritage

Apply and demonstrate compliance with applicable laws and agreements

The implementation and effectiveness of this Indigenous relations policy is the responsibility of all Strike Energy employees

The Chief Executive Officer of Strike Energy Limited is accountable to the Board of Directors for ensuring this Indigenous relations policy is implemented. This policy shall be reviewed at least every two years or immediately after the occurrence of any significant incident.