West Erregulla

West Erregulla

The West Erregulla field sits within EP 469 which is operated and owned 50% by Strike, and 50% by Warrego Energy. It is situated approximately 350km north of Perth near the town of Dongara in the Mid West and immediately to the north of South Erregulla (EP 503).

West Erregulla was discovered by Strike in 2019 with the West Erregulla-2 exploration well, targeting the previously untested Kingia and High Cliff Sandstones, analogous to the nearby Waitsia field. The well intersected ~78m of Net Pay across the Permian aged Wagina, Kingia and High Cliff sandstones, with the Kingia Sandstone flowing up to 69 MMscf/d on production test. West Erregulla-3, 4 and 5 were drilled between 2020 and 2022. West Erregulla 3 encountered over pressure in the Carynginia and was suspended before being successfully re-entered in mid-2022 and intersecting 38m of Net Pay and producing one of the best flow rates in the basin at a peak of 90 MMscf/d.

Exploration & Appraisal Drilling

The EP469 joint venture has approved the drilling of two near field exploration wells within EP469. These include a well into the Southwest Erregulla prospect (SWE-1) and the Erregulla Deep prospect (ERD-1). Both structures sit immediately adjacent to, or are interpreted to be connected to, existing independently certified Reserve or Resources in the West Erregulla and South Erregulla gas fields. Strike has estimated a Prospective Resource (2U) of gross 272 PJ for Southwest Erregulla and gross 278 PJ for Erregulla Deep (136 PJ and 139 PJ respectively net to Strike).

Both of these targets demonstrate the undrilled prospectivity of the Greater Erregulla region and the broader prospectivity resultant from the drilling within the West and South Erregulla gas fields.


Strike has begun preparation and procurement for the workover of West Erregulla-4 and 5, with the primary objective of deepening the gas-water contact used by NSAI to determine 2P Reserves and preparing the wells as future producers.

Strike is engaged with its JV partner, Warrego Energy (under new Hancock Prospecting management), on the best field development plan and are awaiting final determination from the Western Australian Environmental Protection Agency on the outcomes of its Part IV primary environmental approval application.

West Erregulla offtake agreement with CSBP

In May 2019 Strike announced that it has executed a Gas Sales Option Agreement with CSBP Limited, a significant Western Australian industrial gas user and leading fertiliser manufacturer. Under the agreement Strike has granted CSBP the option to take up to 100 PJ of gas (Strike share) produced from West Erregulla. The key terms of the Gas Sales Option Agreement are:

CSBP granted an option for the supply of 80 to 100PJ of gas (Strike share), to be delivered at a maximum of 25 TJ/d from commencement of production from West Erregulla

For more information about this agreement, pleaseĀ click here.