Perth Basin Geothermal

Geothermal Energy

Strike’s exploration success in the Perth Basin has accelerated our understanding of the potential for geothermal to provide clean, dispatchable power to South West WA.

Geothermal is the cheapest form of reliable dispatchable electricity – with zero carbon emissions.

The Permian Sandstones that house the recent major gas discoveries in the Basin are also home to reservoirs of hot water that have the potential to be harnessed to create reliable, clean energy. Strike has acquired 100% of the geothermal rights in the Perth Basin, covering ~3,500Km² and is currently evaluating potential targets for a pilot program to test geothermal’s potential.

Our modelling shows that non-gas bearing, water-wet sandstones in the play could flow water at 175°C that would support up to 350 MW of power generation, reducing the State’s carbon emissions by approximately 3 million tonnes per annum.

On success this would be WA’s only dispatchable renewable power source.

Geothermal and gas exploration and production are naturally complementary businesses. Strike’s knowledge of the Perth Basin’s geology, its drilling expertise in the Basin and our integrated gas to manufacturing model creates a perfect environment for us to integrate geothermal energy into our business.